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Open letter,
directed to Mr. Nicholas Burns, US State Department Undersecretary,
to the Commissions on International Relations from US Senate and House of Representatives,
to the Secretary of State Mr.Per Stig Møller,
and to Mr. Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General
Who is in charge of the future of Kosova?
In a few days time a report prepared by Kai Aide and Koffi Anan, abt. the situation in Kosova is expected. The said report will investigate weather the Albanians has met the demands laid down in the so called standards towards democracy and human rights, which UN decided to attach to the question of the future status of Kosova. I fear that this repport may cause a further delay in obtaining a just and lasting solution of the problems of Kosova.
It is now 6 years ago the agreement in Rambouie has been signed in disrespect of the Albanian population and without any public debate. The Albanian representatives were
then forced to sign this agreement bat the told afterwards that the problem of the future status of Kosowa has been solved.
Instead of a solution the expel of 1 million Albanians and the subsequent war on Balkan was brought about. 120000 houses were burnt by Serbian militsia.20000 women were raped.12000 was killed. After the war the UNMIK became the de facto power in Kosova. and none whatsoever of the promises given to the albanians has been redeemed. Instead Kosova suffers under the control of the UNMIK. 3000 albanians gone missing has still not been found.
Today the rate of unemployment in Kosova is on 60 per cent.That is far more than in any other part uf Europe. According to the World Bank Kosova is to-day the only place in Europe where there is no economical growth. The educational system is disintegrating. In spite of the fact that to-day there are more youth there are fewer students enrolled for an advanced study in Kosova for the terms 2004/05 than was in 1998/1999, where Serbian police participated in daily scuffles with albanian teachers and students. Simultaniously the economical break down evokes organized crimes to thrive under the nose of the UNMIK.
The trend in Kosova is moving towards a very wrong direction. I have a deep knowledge of Kosova and still I`m not able to point at any field in which the Albanians has obtained improvements. Frustration is spreading and the consequence may quickly again give vent to huge demonstrations as in 2004, where many Albanians lost their lives.
Let me draw your attention to the fact that the then chief of UNMIK Mr.Hari Holkeri subsequent to sanguinary clashes, promised the Albanians to appoint an impartial investigation of the popular accuses against the police and the military of having behaved with fiercely brutality against peaceful demonstrators. Nor this promise from NUMIK has ever been fulfiled.
Repeatedly the UNMIK has proceeded with immense roughness against the peaceful demonstrations and public activities of the Albanians, many of those has been arrested by the UNMIK only for mere demonstrations or just for vindicating their opinion – all acts which in Denmark are protected by the constitution.
But who is protecting the Albanians in Kosova?
The great question pending on the world to answer is still abt.who can decide the future of Kosowa. Any time the boundaries of Balkan has been changed one has neglected to ask the people of Albania. The other groups of people in the former Jugoslavia gained their right to decide their own destiny through a referendum.The Albanians did also claim their freedom according to an almost unanimous referendum carried through in Kosova, however the Great Powers refused to recognize the claim. Since then the development has let things slide, and thus the situation in Kosova has deteriorated.
Why is Denmark not supporting the Albanians right to self-determination through referendum su that they can declare the way Kosovas future shall be organized? This is the only foundation for a lasting and just solution.
– At the referendum in Kosova under 50% of the population did vote which by different spectators has been described as undemocratic due to the fact that one could not freely decide on which of the political candidates one should vote – one was only allowed to vote on parties.That trick would newer have passed in Denmark.
As a result of the now being situation a movement has been established towards self-determination in Kosova and under the leadership of the at that time existing student-movement in 1997/98 and its head Mr.Albin Kurti. He was however abducted by the Serb police in the middle of the NATO bombardments, bus released after the war. Mr.Albin Kurti and the movement he is heading is undoubtedly expressing the majority-opinion of the Albanian people as for their wishes for Kosova.
More negotiations within narrow groups of chosen politicians is not needed, but instead we call for that the people of Kosova – for its first time – is listened to concerning the way in wish they want to form their own future.
Kind Regards
Xhemil Zeqiri, Chairman of the counsil for the defence of human rights and freedom in Kosova
Copenhagen the 05 October 2005
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